12 Yoga Poses for Cyclists

Yoga poses for cyclists

Are you a cyclist who is looking for relevant yoga poses? Indeed, you have landed the correct page to discover more about yoga poses.

In recent years, yoga poses are increasingly becoming popular among many people. You will also find thousands of cyclists who want to improve fitness through yoga poses. 

As a cyclist, you need yoga training to enhance your cycling skills. Today we will be introducing you to some of the best yoga poses for cyclists. 

We hope this information will help in sourcing the right pose that serves your purpose. Let us dig in: 

Do cyclists need yoga poses anyway?

As a cyclist, when you practice yoga, you decrease muscular imbalances. In the same vein, they reduce injuries and improve their riding abilities. 

The cycling action provides strength and muscular endurance as well as cardiovascular benefits. 

However, many cyclists struggle to overcome excess tension in the back. It also manifests in hips and shoulders. All these will end as you perform particular yoga poses. 

Benefits of Yoga Poses to Cyclists

  • Improved core strength
  • It reduces the chances of an injury.
  • More efficient breathing
  • Improved natural spine when riding.
  • Reduced levels of tension
  • Increase focus

Here are 12 yoga poses for cyclists that you should know:

1. Pyramid Pose (Parsvottonasana)

It is a powerful pose that targets the shoulders and the hamstrings. 

Performing it every day gives you better results and helps to lengthen and stretch the spine. Furthermore, the pose strengthens the shoulders by building balance and coordination.

The pose will help you to retain flexibility every time you bend over. As you bend, the posture sends blood to your brain to enhance mental clarity.

On the other hand, if you have an injury, then this pose is not for you. Also, you should avoid if you have high blood pressure. Still, you should never attempt if you are pregnant or you have heart disease. 

How to Do a Pyramid Pose

  1. Begin by doing a downward-facing dog.
  2. Let your right foot forward to touch the right hand.
  3. Stand on your fingertips.
  4. Move your left foot to a distance of one foot. 
  5. Let your right leg remain straight.
  6. Lift the torso to remain in a standing position. 
  7. Place both your hand on the hips. 
  8. You can lengthen the spine by inhaling. 
  9. Deepen your right hip as you exhale.
  10. You can keep your body in balance by repeating the pose on the left side. 

2. Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

It happens to be the first pose for beginners as they join a yoga class. Some use it as a transitional pose. It will strengthen the back, arms, and legs. Also, it will stretch the calves and the hamstrings. 

Furthermore, the pose will strengthen the deep abdominal muscles. Although the design will stabilize the spine, you should avoid it if you have a wrist injury. You should also refrain if you have high blood pressure or have a detached retina. 

How to do a downward-facing Dog

  1. Let your wrists and knees remain underneath your shoulders.
  2. Straighten your legs as you lift your hips.
  3. Spread the fingers as you move using fingertips.
  4. Broaden the collar bones by rotating the upper arms.
  5. Hang your head and move the shoulder blades from the ears. 
  6. Use your quadriceps to relieve the arms from the burden of your body weight.
  7. Maintain your tail high as you rotate the thighs inward.
  8. Sink the heels towards the floor.
  9. Bend your knees as you exhale. 

3. The Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend Pose

We also refer to it as Prasarita Padottanasana. It is a pose that will strengthen the back, legs, the spine, and the feet. It will also stretch your hamstrings. It is a beautiful pose that will improve your digestion and tone the abdominal muscles.

Most importantly, it alleviates stress, backaches, headaches, and depression. Furthermore, it offers relief from neck and shoulder tension. It will also soothe your nervous system and relax your mind. 

One must avoid if he/she has back pains or sinus. 


  1. Stand on your mat while placing both hands on your waist. 
  2. Spread your feet to a distance of 4 feet apart and begin to inhale.
  3. Move your trunk towards the hips and exhale.
  4. Bend as you stretch your hand to touch your toes. 
  5. Inhale gently as you release yourself from this pose. 

Reclined Bound Angle Pose

It is a powerful pose that will lower your blood pressure and decrease your heart rate. If you have insomnia and fatigue challenges, then this poses if for you. It is a regular exercise that will lower the chances of headaches. 

Another desirable benefit is that it relieves panic attacks and stress. The pose increases energy levels and decreases muscle tension. However, you should avoid this pose if you have a hip injury or shoulder pains. 

How to do Reclined Bound Angle Pose

  1. Sit in Dandasana pose as you stretch your legs in front.
  2. Allow your elbows to touch the floor as you lean backward.
  3. Draw the shoulders blades gently inward. 
  4. Lengthen your tailbone toward the heels.
  5. Breathe naturally.

Lunge Pose

One can use a lunge pose to stretch the hips, groin, and hamstrings. The pose is suitable for both cyclists and athletics. It will also open a sensation in the abdomen and chest. It is vital to refrain if you have high blood pressure or back pains. 

How to do Lunge Pose

  1. Start in the downward-facing dog posture. 
  2. Lean on your left knee and release the left foot of the ground. 
  3. Stack the right knee over the right ankle.
  4. Breathe deeply and draw the tailbone towards the floor. 
  5. During this lunge pose, take at least 5 to 10 breaths.
  6. Return to downward-facing dog pose.

Half Splits Pose

Half split pose is a better activity that will stretch your hamstring. Beyond that, it will also stretch your groins and the thighs. It is a suitable pose for cyclists and runners who prefer to hold tightness in legs. 

Half split is a pose that will relieve tension and anxiety from the practitioner. It also reduces the chances of headaches, back pains, and shoulder complications. 

One should refrain if she is in the menses. If you have high blood pressure, then this pose is not suitable for you. Also, individuals that have heart complications or hernia should refrain from it. 

How to do a Half Split pose

  1. Start by performing the downward-facing dog. 
  2. Lift your back and hips high and take a few breaths.
  3. Bend the knees and lift the heels.
  4. Move your right foot forward and position it between your hands. 
  5. Rest on your left knee and begin to exhale. 
  6. Begin to flex the right foot and extend the toes towards you.
  7. Balance your hips and lengthen the spine by inhaling. 
  8. Fold the right leg as you begin to exhale.
  9. Retain the pose for about 5 to 10 minutes. 
  10. Return to the downward-facing dog.

Cat-Cow pose

Cat cow pose is a dependable exercise that will open your spine by removing blockages. Furthermore, it strengthens the shoulder and arms. As you perform deep stretches on the neck, it enhances flexibility. 

This cat-cow pose improves the digestion system by massaging the internal organs. As you repeatedly move the abdomen, it maintains a better digestive system. It favors those women who are encountering awkward moments of menstruation. 

It is also a restorative pose that will treat insomnia. Overall, as you perform this pose, you improve in the body alignments. 

You should avoid this pose if you have injured shoulders and knees. A pregnant woman should perform this pose while under proper guidance. 

How to do a cat-cow pose

  1. Begin by stretching your spine and inhaling to open up the chest. 
  2. Inhale as you roll the belly and the spine around the mat.
  3. Inhale again as you lift the tail bone.
  4. Lower the belly and broaden through the collarbone.
  5. Exhale as a way of lowering the tail bone towards the ground. 
  6. Inhale to cow and exhale to the cat.
  7. Perform a few rounds of cat and cow to move your spine. Each pose should take five breaths.

Ardha Matsyendrasana ( Fish pose)

If you care about your spine, then this poses is right for you. It is a pose that will strengthen and stretch your spine. It also energizes the spine. Furthermore, it stretches your hips, back, neck, and shoulders to make them secure. 

One can still use this pose to open the chest and the rib cage. It is a reliable pose that will stimulate the kidneys and the liver. As if that is not enough, it enhances your digestive system.

It is also vital to take note of some caution while performing this pose. Firstly, you should avoid it at all costs if you are pregnant. Also, this pose may not favor you if you have spinal injury and back pain. 

How to do a fish pose

  1. Begin by warming up properly
  2. Sit on the floor and straighten both legs.
  3. Bend the right knee and place the sole of the right sole on the ground.
  4. Stretch and inhale to lengthen your spine.
  5. Perform a deep rotation on your belly.
  6. Do an inside out twisting. 
  7. Breathe deeply to lengthen your spine and exhale as you twist.
  8. Adjust your imbalances 
  9. Repeat the procedure for five to ten times for effective results. 

Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-Knee Forward Bend)

It is a pose that has several benefits to the practitioner. It stretches your shoulders, spine, groins, and hamstrings. You can use it to calm your brains and relieve mild depression. If you want to improve on your digestion, then this pose is for you.

The pose is perfect for women who wish to eliminate menopause symptoms. You can perform it during pregnancy to strengthen the back muscles. Still, it relieves menstrual discomfort, headache, fatigue, and anxiety.

It is also critical to note the following: You should not do this pose whenever you have an injured knee. Alternatively, avoid flexing the knee completely. You can support it by using a folded blanket. You should refrain if you have asthma or diarrhea. 

How to do a Head-to-knee forward bend

  1. Sit on the mat as you straighten the legs in front of you.
  2. Place the blanket under the buttocks if need be. 
  3. Using the right hand, press it against your inner right groin.
  4. Slightly turn the torso to the left as you exhale. 
  5. Lengthen the spine by using the strap.
  6. Lift the front torso and inhale.
  7. Extend the arms and lengthen the front torso.
  8. Lengthen forward to ensure a comfortable stretch.

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)

One can use the bridge pose to strengthen back muscles. It offers comprehensive training to your body. It also helps in the improvement of digestion. For women, it will relieve the symptoms of menopause. Moreover, it relieves menstrual pain. 

The pose will reduce thyroid complications and open up the lungs. You can use it to stretch your neck, spine, and chest. It is also helpful if one has high blood pressure and asthma. Furthermore, you can use it if you have sinusitis and osteoporosis.

The pose relieves a tired back instantly. It is noteworthy that one should refrain if one has back and neck injuries. 

How to do a bridge pose

  1. Start by lying on your back.
  2. Fold the knees as you maintain the hip distance on the ground.
  3. Facedown the palms and maintain the arms beside your body.
  4. Begin to lift your back off the ground as you inhale slowly.
  5. Slightly lift the torso using your hands as you support the end with arms. 
  6. Begin to breathe normally.
  7. Hold the posture for at least two minutes and release the pose gently. 

Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)

If you are a cyclist, you can practically benefit from this pose. It acts appropriately to open your hips and stretch your thighs. You can also use it to stretch your back and groin comfortably. As you extend your legs on the rear, it stretches your psoas. 

It is an excellent pose that will prepare one for prolonged sitting postures. Also, if you like backbends; then, you can opt for this pose. It is vital to avoid if you have a back injury or pain. 

It is not suitable for pregnant women or those folks that have heart complications. You can refrain if you have high blood pressure. One should do it in moderation to avoid injuring the hip socket. 

How to do a Pigeon Pose

  1. Start by maintaining a downward-facing dog.
  2. Perform a down dog split and lift the right leg.
  3. Bend the right knee and move the leg forward.
  4. While the left leg is on the floor, release the left knee from the ground.
  5. Balance your hips on the mat.
  6. Use a blanket as a padding tool to increase comfort on the hips.
  7. Let your forehead touch the floor as you use the right leg to support your weight.
  8. Repeat the pose twice. 

Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)

The standing forward bend is a pose that will stretch and lengthen the calves and hamstrings. 

It is also a suitable pose for both athletics and cyclists. 

It is a stress-relieving pose. One can still use it to relieve insomnia. 

The standing forward bend is popular due to its pain-relieving benefits. It alleviates headaches and shoulder pains. 

You should avoid this pose if you have a lower back injury. Suppose you have high blood pressure, then avoid this pose at all costs. 

If you had a recent bone graft, then you should wait until you heal fast. Suppose you experience pains as you exercise, then refrain and see your physician. Overall, it is a great pose to keep you in perfect fitness and health. 

How to do a standing forward bend

  1. Raise your hand and let the arms touch the overhead.
  2. Perform a swan dive.
  3. Stretch your fingertips to be in line with your toes.
  4. Micro bend your knees to avoid locking.
  5. Use your quadriceps muscles to strengthen the spine.
  6. Allow your head to hang.
  7. Put your hands on the hips and inhale.
  8. Contract the abdominal muscles and press the tailbone down 

In Conclusion

Yoga is becoming a necessary practice if you want to live a healthy life. Your profession notwithstanding, it will serve you well when done rightly. 

Cyclists need yoga poses to strengthen their muscles. You can still alleviate shoulder, back, and other body pains as you exercise. 

As a cyclist, you need to have a strong spine. You can always have a better cycling experience if you are in proper health. 

Cycling can sometimes cause one to develop muscle imbalances. Fret not if you are a victim of such. You can correct that by acquiring the correct body structure. The secret is to involve the above yoga poses. 

This article unveils various yoga poses for you. As a cyclist, you can take into considerations as you stay safe. 

Some poses will only work well if you do not have any health complications—for instance, asthma or high blood pressure. 

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